The Supportive Housing Department is open Monday-Thurs for housing triages. **CLOSED FRIDAY**
BI-CAP’s Supportive Housing Program consists of programs utilizing a variety of funding sources including HUD, MN Housing, and DHS. Supportive Housing services range from one-time assistance to on-going case management and rental subsidies. BI-CAP places emphasis on homeless prevention, which is a more effective and efficient resolution to stabilizing households. When prevention is not possible, BI-CAP helps participants to mitigate crisis situations and then provides support services to assist participants as they work on housing stability and self-sufficiency goals.
Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program (FHPAP)
FHPAP is designed to provide direct service assistance to prevent homelessness and to assist homeless families obtain stable housing. This program, funded through MN Housing, is available in Cass and Beltrami Counties.
Transitional Housing
BI-CAP owns and/or manages scattered-site transitional housing units in Beltrami and Cass Counties. Transitional housing is interim shelter between homelessness and permanent housing. BI-CAP’s Transitional Housing Program is limited to families with children. Supportive Housing Specialists and families work together to overcome barriers, develop skills, and create a permanent housing plan.
Beltrami County Housing Locator Program
The Housing Locator program works with seriously mentally ill individuals who are referred by Beltrami County caseworkers. The Housing Locator works closely with participants to locate and secure housing.
Emergency Solutions Grant-Rapid Rehousing (ESG-RR)
A program funded through MN Department of Human Services designed to get people into housing as soon as possible with minimal time spent homeless. The program provides for short to medium term rental assistance and accompanying housing support services to address barriers, identify goals and work toward housing stability. Available to those at or below 30% Area Median Income. Tenants must pay 30% of their income toward rent.
DHS Long-Term Homeless Services Grant
BI-CAP is one of six partners (five Community Action Agencies, and Evergreen Youth & Family Services) for the DHS Service Grant. Service dollars are available to households who are experiencing long-term homelessness by MN State definition. This program is available in Cass and Beltrami Counties and is funded by the State Department of Human Services (DHS).
Housing Trust Fund Rental Assistance Program
Housing Trust Fund Rental Assistance is accessible to clients who appear as qualifying High Priority Homeless on the Coordinated Entry Priority Lists. The program provides a rental subsidy based on income for up to 60 months. The program is available in Cass and Beltrami Counties and is funded by MN Housing. Tenants pay 30% of their income for rent.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
Permanent Supportive Housing serves homeless individuals with a documented disability. Participants receive a rental subsidy and accompanying housing support services. PSH is offered in both Beltrami and Cass Counties.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
BI-CAP is a SNAP Outreach site to provide information regarding SNAP benefits and assist applicants to apply for food support.
Contact Information
To request housing assistance, please call:
Beltrami County: (218) 751-4631 or (800) 332-7161
Cass County: (218) 547-3438 or (800) 332-7135