BI-CAP History
BI-CAP was established in 1966 as part of the national war on poverty and is one of approximately 1,000 community action programs nationwide that make up the service delivery arm of the federal Office of Community Services. As a 501c3 nonprofit Community Action Program, BI-CAP is deeply committed to working collaboratively to address community needs and challenges by building upon local community assets. Our current programs include: early childhood education, housing, weatherization, energy assistance, and youth education/employment services.
Service Area
Our service area includes Beltrami and Cass counties. We currently have a staff of 110 assisting 5,000 low-income residents at locations in Bemidji, Walker, Blackduck, Backus, Pine River and Kelliher. BI-CAP’s Main offices are located in Bemidji & Walker. Learn more about the programs we offer, or contact us with questions or for more information.
The Promise of Community Action
Community Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.
Mission, Vision, Values & Culture
Helping people in Beltrami and Cass Counties experiencing barriers on their paths towards economic stability.
Thriving, prosperous, healthy and inclusive Beltrami and Cass Counties.
Collaboration – We work to strengthen partnerships and community both inside and outside the organization by being a trusted partner that leads with integrity.
Innovation – We take leadership roles in continually assessing the needs of the community and adapt to the environment around us. We are resourceful by reshaping our service design to help clients, staff and partners achieve their highest potential.
Compassion – We have genuine and responsive concern for the suffering and misfortune of others. We are advocates on behalf of the people we serve and assist them to advocate for themselves and others.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – We believe in safeguarding human dignity for all people through full access to the opportunities in our communities.
Across the organization, BI-CAP employees are servant leaders who take initiative, are results-oriented, and exhibit personal credibility.
BI-CAP is here to help those in need
Does someone you know need help obtaining or remaining in housing? Is someone you know homeless? Does someone need help with their fuel bill or help making repairs on their home? Does a friend or neighbor need quality pre-school learning opportunities or has their teen dropped out of school?
These and many other problems face families and individuals in today’s challenging times. It’s good to know that there is a local agency where community members can turn. BI-CAP is a non-profit community action program that assists low income disadvantaged families and individuals in Cass and Beltrami Counties. BI-CAP services enhance lives through a variety of programs that increase self-sufficiency by offering financial and counseling support. The programs address housing, homelessness, weatherization, energy assistance, pre-school education, youth on-site training and education and others. BI-CAP’s mission is to help people achieve economic stability.
We need your support! Help us enhance lives in our community by making a donation today.